Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Taste of Tradition

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Last week I was using the the library's book search engine to find some good sources for depth in Shakespeare. I found one book entitled The Tainted Muse: Prejudice in Shakespeare's Time. Not only did it sound fascinating, but I'm pretty sure prejudice might become my major focus for the depth requirement.

I went to the library to find this book, but not surprisingly, I didn't find it. Oh the woes of library checkouts! However, I remembered Dr. Burton's encouragement to browse around the Shakespeare section in the reference shelves.

Hoping for some serendipity, I browsed for a few minutes, and found several books of interest. One of them was completely useless. It was a dictionary, but the title was definitely misleading: Shakespearean Concepts. I was all excited, thinking it was some kind of compendium of themes discussed in Shakespeare. NOT!

However, I did find a relatively useful book called Shakespeare and Minorities, which turned out to be an annotated bibliography. At first, this might sound worse than the dictionary, but I found some sources that could be really interesting. One was a book called Exploring Character, Playing Shakespeare: The Royal Shakespeare Company. It sounds like a great source, and I will have to look at the library catalog to see if I can get my hands on it!

So, despite the fact that I was late to work, being so absorbed in this feast of Shakespearean data, I managed to find a source that might do me some good in the long run!g