Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Duke Orcino: What is Going Through that Noble Mind?

I found that all of the characters in Twelfth Night met or exceeded my expectations. Except for Duke Orcino. He tried my patience from the very beginning with an irritating monologue. And then, he is the most irritating suitor to Lady Olivia! He sends Viola/Cesario over to convince her of his love every SINGLE day. Olivia is probably just wishing he'd give her some space. No wonder she went for Cesario, who knows how to be tactful (since he's a woman).
Ok, and if that isn't enough, Feste plays him for a fool in the last act by tricking the Duke to give him more money. Who would fall for that?
And lastly, he didn't even wait to see Viola in maiden clothing before he proposed. A little impetuous, perhaps? It's not like he's proposing to a stranger, but you have to admit that change of gender changes everything.
So there it is. I don't like the Duke. I'm guessing he wasn't Shakespeare's favorite character either. Why else is he the only one in the play who possesses the talent of making you yawn?