Monday, February 21, 2011

Peer Evaluation of David Tertipes

Open Source Shakespeare by David Tertipes
    1.  Number of Posts:
      David has made 31 posts thus far. Way to go!
    2. Quality of Posts:
      I think David has done a credible job of making his posts count. Oftentimes he will post more than twice a week, and he always is linking his learning goals to the posts. Some of the posts are shorter, but he often follows up with a more substantial post later on.
    3. A Strength
      I really like what David did with his post on Taming of the Shrew. He did a great job of evaluating quotes from the play, posing questions and including multimedia to help demonstrate his point. And so many of his posts are like that!
    4. Suggested Improvement
      I would suggest more creative ways of breaking up the lengthy text and including more pictures. Your writing is real quality, but you need to exploit the visual more.